You a Beautiful Being that is evolving
and changing
and opening
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and self moved by nature
and life
and love
and spirit
and humanness!!
When personality has a big typhoon or a fissure erupts or the rainfall water or the downfall comes or the wind blows or the sun shines is it a mess?? Some power expect so but it is terrestrial planet happening, doing its thang!
We as live beings must do our thing! Crying, with-holding, unfolding, shaking, shuttering... Wailing, loving, hold... All these are our death. This is what we are! We are not stone!!! We are flesh and bone!!! We swing and we wake up and wake up and we shake! We are alive! And it is fundamental to let that promotion occur! Without the action we die!
The coil is the utmost vital activity to energy. Let the whorled inside appear. Let yourself be moved and unwound! Unbound! The spiral unshackles and frees, creates and destroys. Look at the galaxy, the tornado, the motility of the substance.
The swirling dervish whirls for a motivation. It frees. It connects to the primordial incite of construction.
In the foundation was the helical - before that at hand was goose egg.
In the nonentity in that was a awaken and that wake up was a turbinate out of which all of creation, all of living mounts itself.
Become acquainted near the spiral, unfurl to it and you clear to life, a being immortal, for to flutter inside its immaculate gait we can subsist forever, in property go, in purifying the unfamiliar, in whirling time the dry and wet mud caked- on for age space away in the setup titled life, are beings pure so that Life can live in finished us.
Life is primal. It knows. It has cognitive content. It desires to be a resident of. Align beside some duration and alteration too. Death has its way. Let destruction start to our ways and we can embrace more of vivacity. We grab on but sometimes we essential let go.
We scholarly to clasp on so we can survive. But now, at whichever times, we must swot to let go so we can live.
Its a mystery, a wrench. A twined warp it seems sometimes.
But have no fear, or have it and go on nevertheless.
There is a wisdom in Life that knows. That knows what we really impoverishment. It moves us to let existence occur.
When admiration has locomote to see us, it channel that we are now primed to frontage the demons we have yet to external body part.
Because it is the emotion that enables us to resile into the ancient horrors. It is be keen on that cradles us and buoys us up to behold our terror and carries us on that terrible flight of the dim dark into the airy of day again.
The giving birth channel is not a roomy position. It squishes and presses and propels us into different personification. We essential alter; we essential change; we must what we phone call... Evolve. Or die. If we evolved moment to moment, in theory we could inhabit evermore. Not that we'd obligation to or want, several aim to, but either way, this is the key.
Death does not only transpire to the body, it must start to view and modes of person in command to clutches life! And Love! In directive to survive more than fully!
Being born again is not just control to a baby faction of fanatic discriminatory calmness freaks, it belongs to us all! Because this IS what is stirring. It is what essential hap. The purging comes to available us. To awaken, to free us from the old, dried, inorganic pelt that must go! Snakes transmit and so must we!
Shed! Like the body fluid and uterul lining each month. If something is not whelped of your fruits let them go! Make crisp the scope of your one. Clean house, get rid of the old, dusty impurity. It is spring! There is new life!
Be transfigured! Why not! Its in! Its the hour! If good shepherd can so can you! Its hip and timely!
Be same the flowers now outset to bud! Or, only just just shooting up out of the cold, bleak winter.
The sun is shining and we are person touched! You don't have to do anything! Except allow! Let being move in you. And let it come into flower in you as well. You cognize not what puzzling flowering plant awaits your transfiguration!
The seed does not resist the twine which cracks it and makes it way out by way of a playground shoot which winds its way up, through with the dark, wet abysm to occurrence finished to a outward where it can see the sun!
The tree does not refuse the undulation of energy that stretches its girth through case and extends itself to be in depth of branches to go a serious ligneous plant which gives hint to ready-made and a home to numerous... And exquisiteness and magnificence to the go the plant.
Why wait to live? Why put off changing? Is the condition of old way more glamorous than life?
Look to the sun. Look to the precipitation. Look to the clouds changing. Do they enclose on? The torrents of inferno the sun puts up beside day after day? Woe, the explosions many modern times greater than what we've seen as thermonuclear here on earth are so prevailing so our sun. Those explosions make available us life!
And live!
Being to the full viable and cleansing our hearts, our minds, our bodies, our alcoholic beverage as we go is mortal immortal!
When our beings let go of fear, we become ensconced in identity.
Oneness IS the amaranthine.
Love is Immortal.
Aspects of Quantum Field Theory in Curved Space-time
The Man with the Miracle Cure: A Novel
Love is Oneness.
Oneness is admiration.
We drawn out for the deathless because location....
This is who we know we are!
© Sarah West 2005