I have many lingering thoughts of both good and bad times while living with the Baptist Home (1953-61) family in Monticello, Arkansas. I would place this next story in the category with the good times.
Donald Dodson is not remembered as a close friend. The truth is, I have very few memories of him at all. However, there is one weekend (1957) in Blytheville, Arkansas when we were thrown together in a most unusual circumstance. That is, most unusual by The Baptist Home standards.
My memory is not too clear as to why we were there. I had been traveling with a representative group around the state all summer, singing duets with Glen Lindsay, Pat Price and others. Donald might have been along for the ride or to give a speech about the home. I just do not remember. What I do remember is that there were three of us teenagers on the trip, Donald, Barbara Price, Pat's older sister and me.
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I don't remember Barbara normally being along on the trips herself, but Pat was having a problem with her nose and throat that prevented her from singing up to her usual high standards and Barbara may have been filling in for her. I'm still having a little difficulty recalling all the details, but hey! That was more than forty years ago.
Anyway, one evening a boy, in his late teens came over to visit the family with whom we were staying. Actually, he came to visit the woman of the house's daughter (Alice$%:). I'll call the boy, Joe.
That evening everyone enjoyed a wonderful supper as we sit around a long table passing food back and forth, stuffing our guts, talking and just plain having a great time. Most everyone had finished eating but continued to hang around the table visiting when I noticed a biscuit on a platter at the far end of the table.
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I have always been a hearty eater and that night was no exception. Therefore, I ate right up to the point of noticing that single solitary biscuit and stopped. My stomach wasn't ready however and I kept watching the plate cradling that one last biscuit, hoping it would get in someone's way and they would pass it a little closer down the table in my direction.
Well it never did and I never mustered up the courage to ask. Therefore, I suffered through part one of my little story. Part two, now that is another matter and I will get to it in a minute.
Remember Joe and Alice$%: Well they were getting rather close over in a corner by the fire and everyone else found a comfortable place to sit (or lie) down and had begun to watch TV.
The older couple retired after a bit, at least they disappeared into the back of the house and I suppose Donald, Barbara and I were feeling somewhat like knots on a log, not knowing what to do or where to do it at. Meanwhile Joe and Alice continuing to cozy up by the fireplace.
Anyway, some time passed when all of a sudden Alice broke the silence. "Do you kids want to go for a ride$%:" She asked.
I don't recall if the older couple gave their permission or not. Still the five of us ambled out to the garage and crawled into a big black fifty model Buick that was parked out there.
Up in the front seat, Joe took the wheel with Alice at his side. There was plenty of room in the back so Donald jumped in first, taking the seat behind the driver. Barbara crawled into the middle and I took the window on the right.
After leaving the house, we drove around very little, mostly in a straight line to the city park where Joe stopped the car in a secluded spot and switched off the lights. The night was dark but for a few rays from a street lamp located a short distance away.
Joe turned slowly to stare at the three of us for a moment.
"You kids ok", he asked, smiling. Donald and I were thirteen while Barbara was a very mature fourteen.
He turned back to the front without waiting for an answer and proceeded to put his arm around Alice. They began to kiss.
There was a foot of space on either side of Barbara separating the three of us from each other. I don't know who made the first move, Barbara, Donald or me. But the distance soon diminished when a beautiful fourteen-year-old girl began teaching a couple of thirteen-year-old boys a thing or two about girls. Of course in those days, things were not as they are today. We mostly kissed.
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I do, however, remember it as an experience ranked up there with some of the best sexual experiences of my life. Barbara could sure kiss.
The next morning, on our trip back to Monticello, I felt very sick (love sick). There we were with Barbara evenly spaced between Donald and I in the back seat of a car. But this time, Joe and Alice are not in the front seat. Therefore, we cannot touch this beautiful girl, just inches away as had been the night before.
Our chaperon, Mrs. Jones turned toward the back seat and stared for a moment.
"You kids alright$%:" she asked. Mr. and Mrs. Jones were nice people and I enjoyed traveling with them immensely but they really didn't know our feelings that day as the three of us replied in unison, "yes!"